How Do You Feel About What Modern Art Has Become

Creative works produced during the menstruation extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s

Mod art includes artistic work produced during the menstruum extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the styles and philosophies of the art produced during that era.[1] The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation.[2] Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency away from the narrative, which was characteristic for the traditional arts, toward abstraction is characteristic of much modern fine art. More recent artistic production is often called contemporary art or postmodern fine art.

Modern fine art begins with the heritage of painters like Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec all of whom were essential for the development of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century Henri Matisse and several other young artists including the pre-cubists Georges Braque, André Derain, Raoul Dufy, Jean Metzinger and Maurice de Vlaminck revolutionized the Paris fine art world with "wild", multi-colored, expressive landscapes and figure paintings that the critics called Fauvism. Matisse's two versions of The Trip the light fantastic signified a fundamental point in his career and in the development of modern painting.[3] It reflected Matisse's incipient fascination with primitive fine art: the intense warm colour of the figures against the cool bluish-green background and the rhythmical succession of the dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and hedonism.

At the start of 20th-century Western painting, and initially influenced past Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin and other late-19th-century innovators, Pablo Picasso fabricated his first Cubist paintings based on Cézanne's thought that all delineation of nature can be reduced to three solids: cube, sphere and cone. With the painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), Picasso dramatically created a new and radical picture depicting a raw and primitive brothel scene with v prostitutes, violently painted women, reminiscent of African tribal masks and his own new Cubist inventions. Analytic cubism was jointly developed by Picasso and Georges Braque, exemplified by Violin and Candlestick, Paris, from nigh 1908 through 1912. Analytic cubism, the commencement clear manifestation of cubism, was followed by Synthetic cubism, practiced by Braque, Picasso, Fernand Léger, Juan Gris, Albert Gleizes, Marcel Duchamp and several other artists into the 1920s. Synthetic cubism is characterized by the introduction of unlike textures, surfaces, collage elements, papier collé and a large variety of merged subject matter.[4] [5]

The notion of modern art is closely related to modernism.[a]

History [edit]

Roots in the 19th century [edit]

Although modernistic sculpture and compages are reckoned to have emerged at the end of the 19th century, the beginnings of modern painting can be located earlier.[7] The date perhaps nearly commonly identified equally marking the birth of modern art is 1863,[7] the yr that Édouard Manet showed his painting Le déjeuner sur l'herbe in the Salon des Refusés in Paris. Before dates have too been proposed, among them 1855 (the year Gustave Courbet exhibited The Artist'due south Studio) and 1784 (the year Jacques-Louis David completed his painting The Oath of the Horatii).[7] In the words of art historian H. Harvard Arnason: "Each of these dates has significance for the development of modernistic art, merely none categorically marks a completely new offset .... A gradual metamorphosis took place in the grade of a hundred years."[7]

The strands of thought that eventually led to modern art tin be traced back to the Enlightenment.[b] The important modern fine art critic Clement Greenberg, for instance, called Immanuel Kant "the first real Modernist" but likewise drew a distinction: "The Enlightenment criticized from the exterior ... . Modernism criticizes from the inside."[9] The French Revolution of 1789 uprooted assumptions and institutions that had for centuries been accepted with lilliputian question and accustomed the public to vigorous political and social argue. This gave rise to what art historian Ernst Gombrich chosen a "self-consciousness that made people select the style of their building equally i selects the pattern of a wallpaper."[10]

The pioneers of modern fine art were Romantics, Realists and Impressionists.[11] [ failed verification ] By the late 19th century, additional movements which were to be influential in mod art had begun to emerge: mail service-Impressionism and Symbolism.

Influences upon these movements were varied: from exposure to Eastern decorative arts, especially Japanese printmaking, to the coloristic innovations of Turner and Delacroix, to a search for more realism in the delineation of common life, every bit institute in the piece of work of painters such as Jean-François Millet. The advocates of realism stood against the idealism of the tradition-bound academic art that enjoyed public and official favor.[12] The most successful painters of the day worked either through commissions or through big public exhibitions of their own work. At that place were official, government-sponsored painters' unions, while governments regularly held public exhibitions of new fine and decorative arts.

The Impressionists argued that people exercise not see objects but only the light which they reflect, and therefore painters should paint in natural lite (en plein air) rather than in studios and should capture the effects of light in their work.[13] Impressionist artists formed a grouping, Société Anonyme Coopérative des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs ("Clan of Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers") which, despite internal tensions, mounted a series of independent exhibitions.[fourteen] The way was adopted by artists in different nations, in preference to a "national" style. These factors established the view that information technology was a "movement". These traits—establishment of a working method integral to the art, establishment of a movement or visible active core of support, and international adoption—would exist repeated by artistic movements in the Modern catamenia in fine art.

Early 20th century [edit]

Among the movements which flowered in the offset decade of the 20th century were Fauvism, Cubism, Expressionism, and Futurism.

During the years between 1910 and the end of Earth War I and afterward the heyday of cubism, several movements emerged in Paris. Giorgio de Chirico moved to Paris in July 1911, where he joined his brother Andrea (the poet and painter known every bit Alberto Savinio). Through his brother he met Pierre Laprade, a member of the jury at the Salon d'Automne where he exhibited three of his dreamlike works: Enigma of the Oracle, Enigma of an Afternoon and Cocky-Portrait. During 1913 he exhibited his work at the Salon des Indépendants and Salon d'Automne, and his work was noticed by Pablo Picasso, Guillaume Apollinaire, and several others. His compelling and mysterious paintings are considered instrumental to the early beginnings of Surrealism. Song of Dearest (1914) is one of the nearly famous works past de Chirico and is an early on example of the surrealist manner, though information technology was painted 10 years before the movement was "founded" by André Breton in 1924.

Earth War I brought an end to this phase but indicated the first of a number of anti-art movements, such as Dada, including the piece of work of Marcel Duchamp, and of Surrealism. Artist groups like de Stijl and Bauhaus developed new ideas nigh the interrelation of the arts, architecture, design, and fine art education.

Mod art was introduced to the United States with the Armory Show in 1913 and through European artists who moved to the U.South. during World State of war I.

After Earth State of war Two [edit]

It was only after World War II, yet, that the U.S. became the focal signal of new artistic movements.[15] The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of Abstract Expressionism, Colour field painting, Conceptual artists of Art & Language, Pop fine art, Op art, Hard-edge painting, Minimal art, Lyrical Abstraction, Fluxus, Happening, Video art, Postminimalism, Photorealism and diverse other movements. In the late 1960s and the 1970s, Land art, Performance art, Conceptual fine art, and other new art forms had attracted the attention of curators and critics, at the expense of more traditional media.[xvi] Larger installations and performances became widespread.

By the end of the 1970s, when cultural critics began speaking of "the stop of painting" (the title of a provocative essay written in 1981 past Douglas Crimp), new media fine art had become a category in itself, with a growing number of artists experimenting with technological means such equally video art.[17] Painting assumed renewed importance in the 1980s and 1990s, equally evidenced by the ascent of neo-expressionism and the revival of figurative painting.[eighteen]

Towards the end of the 20th century, a number of artists and architects started questioning the thought of "the modern" and created typically Postmodern works.[19]

Fine art movements and artist groups [edit]

(Roughly chronological with representative artists listed.)

19th century [edit]

  • Romanticism and the Romantic movement – Francisco de Goya, J. M. Due west. Turner, Eugène Delacroix
  • Realism – Gustave Courbet, Camille Corot, Jean-François Millet, Rosa Bonheur
  • Pre-Raphaelites – William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  • Macchiaioli – Giovanni Fattori, Silvestro Lega, Telemaco Signorini
  • Impressionism – Frédéric Bazille, Gustave Caillebotte, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, Armand Guillaumin, Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley
  • Post-impressionism – Georges Seurat, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Rousseau, Henri-Jean Guillaume Martin, Albert Lebourg, Robert Antoine Pinchon
  • Pointillism – Georges Seurat, Paul Signac, Maximilien Luce, Henri-Edmond Cross
  • Divisionism – Gaetano Previati, Giovanni Segantini, Pellizza da Volpedo
  • Symbolism – Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, Edvard Munch, James Whistler, James Ensor
  • Les Nabis – Pierre Bonnard, Édouard Vuillard, Félix Vallotton, Maurice Denis, Paul Sérusier
  • Fine art Nouveau and variants – Jugendstil, Secession, Modern Style, Modernisme – Aubrey Beardsley, Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt,
  • Art Nouveau architecture and design – Antoni Gaudí, Otto Wagner, Wiener Werkstätte, Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos, Koloman Moser
  • Early Modernist sculptors – Aristide Maillol, Auguste Rodin

Early 20th century (earlier World War I) [edit]

  • Abstract art – Francis Picabia, Wassily Kandinsky, František Kupka, Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, Léopold Survage, Piet Mondrian, Kazimir Malevich, Hilma af Klint
  • Fauvism – André Derain, Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck, Georges Braque, Kees van Dongen
  • Expressionism and related – Die Brücke, Der Blaue Reiter – Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Emil Nolde, Axel Törneman, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Max Pechstein
  • Cubism – Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Fernand Léger, Robert Delaunay, Henri Le Fauconnier, Marcel Duchamp, Jacques Villon, Francis Picabia, Juan Gris
  • Futurism – Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini, Natalia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov
  • Orphism – Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, František Kupka
  • Suprematism – Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Rodchenko, El Lissitzky
  • Synchromism – Stanton Macdonald-Wright, Morgan Russell
  • Vorticism – Wyndham Lewis
  • Sculpture – Constantin Brâncuși, Joseph Csaky, Alexander Archipenko, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Jacques Lipchitz, Ossip Zadkine, Henri Laurens, Elie Nadelman, Chaim Gross, Chana Orloff, Jacob Epstein, Gustave Miklos
  • Photography – Pictorialism, Straight photography

Globe War I to World War II [edit]

  • Dada – Jean Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Francis Picabia, Kurt Schwitters
  • Surrealism – Marc Chagall, René Magritte, Jean Arp, Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, Giorgio de Chirico, André Masson, Joan Miró
  • Expressionism and related: Chaim Soutine, Abraham Mintchine
  • Pittura Metafisica – Giorgio de Chirico, Carlo Carrà, Giorgio Morandi
  • De Stijl – Theo van Doesburg, Piet Mondrian
  • New Objectivity – Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz
  • Figurative painting – Henri Matisse, Pierre Bonnard
  • American Modernism – Stuart Davis, Arthur G. Dove, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Constructivism – Naum Gabo, Gustav Klutsis, László Moholy-Nagy, El Lissitzky, Kasimir Malevich, Vadim Meller, Alexander Rodchenko, Vladimir Tatlin
  • Bauhaus – Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Josef Albers
  • Scottish Colourists – Francis Cadell, Samuel Peploe, Leslie Hunter, John Duncan Fergusson
  • Social realism – Grant Wood, Walker Evans, Diego Rivera
  • Precisionism – Charles Sheeler, Charles Demuth
  • Boychukism - Mykhailo Boychuk, Sofiya Nalepinska-Boychuk, Ivan Padalka, Vasily Sedlyar
  • Sculpture – Alexander Calder, Alberto Giacometti, Gaston Lachaise, Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, Julio Gonzalez

After World War Two [edit]

  • Figuratifs – Bernard Buffet, Jean Carzou, Maurice Boitel, Daniel du Janerand, Claude-Max Lochu
  • Sculpture – Henry Moore, David Smith, Tony Smith, Alexander Calder, Isamu Noguchi,[xx] Alberto Giacometti, Sir Anthony Caro, Jean Dubuffet, Isaac Witkin, René Iché, Marino Marini, Louise Nevelson, Albert Vrana
  • Abstract expressionism – Joan Mitchell, Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorky, Hans Hofmann, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, Clyfford Withal, Lee Krasner,
  • American Abstruse Artists – Ilya Bolotowsky, Ibram Lassaw, Ad Reinhardt, Josef Albers, Burgoyne Diller
  • Art Brut – Adolf Wölfli, August Natterer, Ferdinand Cheval, Madge Gill
  • Arte Povera – Jannis Kounellis, Luciano Fabro, Mario Merz, Piero Manzoni, Alighiero Boetti
  • Color field painting – Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, Adolph Gottlieb, Sam Francis, Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski, Helen Frankenthaler
  • Tachisme – Jean Dubuffet, Pierre Soulages, Hans Hartung, Ludwig Merwart
  • COBRA – Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Asger Jorn
  • Conceptual art – Art & Language, Dan Graham, Lawrence Weiner, Bruce Nauman, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Sol LeWitt
  • De-collage – Wolf Vostell, Mimmo Rotella
  • Neo-Dada – Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, John Chamberlain, Joseph Beuys, Lee Bontecou, Edward Kienholz
  • Figurative Expressionism – Larry Rivers, Grace Hartigan, Elaine de Kooning, Robert De Niro, Sr., Lester Johnson, George McNeil, Earle M. Pilgrim, Jan Müller, Robert Beauchamp, Bob Thompson
  • Feminist Art — Eva Hesse, Judy Chicago, Barbara Kruger, Mary Beth Edelson, Ewa Partum, Valie Consign, Yoko Ono, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, Kiki Smith, Guerrilla Girls, Hannah Wilke
  • Fluxus – George Maciunas, Joseph Beuys, Wolf Vostell, Nam June Paik, Daniel Spoerri, Dieter Roth, Carolee Schneeman, Alison Knowles, Charlotte Moorman, Dick Higgins
  • Happening – Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, Wolf Vostell, Claes Oldenburg, Jim Dine, Cherry-red Grooms, Nam June Paik, Charlotte Moorman, Robert Whitman, Yoko Ono
  • Dau-al-Set – founded in Barcelona by poet/artist Joan Brossa, – Antoni Tàpies
  • Grupo El Paso [es; ca; pl] – founded in Madrid by artists Antonio Saura, Pablo Serrano
  • Geometric brainchild – Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Nadir Afonso, Manlio Rho, Mario Radice, Mino Argento, Adam Szentpétery
  • Hard-edge painting – John McLaughlin, Ellsworth Kelly, Frank Stella, Al Held, Ronald Davis
  • Kinetic fine art – George Rickey, Getulio Alviani
  • Land fine art – Ana Mendieta, Christo, Richard Long, Robert Smithson, Michael Heizer
  • Les Automatistes – Claude Gauvreau, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Pierre Gauvreau, Fernand Leduc, Jean-Paul Mousseau, Marcelle Ferron
  • Minimal art – Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd, Dan Flavin, Richard Serra, Agnes Martin
  • Postminimalism – Eva Hesse, Bruce Nauman, Lynda Benglis
  • Lyrical abstraction – Ronnie Landfield, Sam Gilliam, Larry Zox, Dan Christensen, Natvar Bhavsar, Larry Poons
  • Neo-figurative art – Fernando Botero, Antonio Berni
  • Neo-expressionism – Georg Baselitz, Anselm Kiefer, Jörg Immendorff, Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • Transavanguardia – Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino, Sandro Chia, Enzo Cucchi
  • Figuration libre – Hervé Di Rosa, François Boisrond, Robert Combas
  • New realism – Yves Klein, Pierre Restany, Arman
  • Op fine art – Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Jeffrey Steele
  • Outsider art – Howard Finster, Grandma Moses, Bob Justin
  • Photorealism – Audrey Flack, Chuck Close, Duane Hanson, Richard Estes, Malcolm Morley
  • Pop art – Richard Hamilton, Robert Indiana, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha, David Hockney
  • Postwar European figurative painting – Lucian Freud, Francis Salary, Frank Auerbach, Gerhard Richter
  • New European Painting – Luc Tuymans, Marlene Dumas, Neo Rauch, Bracha Ettinger, Michaël Borremans, Chris Ofili
  • Shaped canvas – Frank Stella, Kenneth Noland, Ron Davis, Robert Mangold.
  • Soviet art – Aleksandr Deyneka, Aleksandr Gerasimov, Ilya Kabakov, Komar & Melamid, Alexandr Zhdanov, Leonid Sokov
  • Spatialism – Lucio Fontana
  • Video art – Nam June Paik, Wolf Vostell, Joseph Beuys, Bill Viola, Hans Breder
  • Visionary fine art – Ernst Fuchs, Paul Laffoley, Michael Bowen

Notable mod art exhibitions and museums [edit]

Republic of austria [edit]

  • Leopold Museum, Vienna

Belgium [edit]

  • SMAK, Ghent

Brazil [edit]

  • MASP, São Paulo, SP
  • MAM/SP, São Paulo, SP
  • MAM/RJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
  • MAM/BA, Salvador, Bahia

Colombia [edit]

  • Bogotá Museum of Modernistic Art (MAMBO)

Croatia [edit]

  • Ivan Meštrović Gallery, Split
  • Modern Gallery, Zagreb
  • Museum of Gimmicky Art, Zagreb

Ecuador [edit]

  • Museo Antropologico y de Arte Contemporaneo, Guayaquil
  • La Capilla del Hombre, Quito

Finland [edit]

  • EMMA, Espoo
  • Kiasma, Helsinki

France [edit]

  • Château de Montsoreau-Museum of Contemporary Fine art, Montsoreau
  • Lille Métropole Museum of Modern, Gimmicky and Outsider Art, Villeneuve d'Ascq
  • Musée d'Orsay, Paris
  • Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
  • Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris
  • Musée Picasso, Paris
  • Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Strasbourg
  • Musée d'fine art moderne de Troyes

Germany [edit]

  • documenta, Kassel, an exhibition of modern and gimmicky art held every 5 years
  • Museum Ludwig, Cologne
  • Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

Bharat [edit]

  • Centre of International Modern Art [Wikidata] (CIMA),[21] Kolkata
  • National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi
  • National Gallery of Modern Fine art, Mumbai
  • National Gallery of Mod Art, Bangalore

Iran [edit]

  • Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran

Ireland [edit]

  • Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin
  • Irish Museum of Modernistic Art, Dublin

State of israel [edit]

  • Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Italy [edit]

  • Palazzo delle Esposizioni
  • Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
  • Venice Biennial, Venice
  • Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Museo del Novecento, Milan

Mexico [edit]

  • Museo de Arte Moderno, México D.F.

Netherlands [edit]

  • Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
  • Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Norway [edit]

  • Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modernistic Art, Oslo
  • Henie-Onstad Art Eye, Oslo

Poland [edit]

  • Museum of Art, Łódź
  • National Museum, Kraków

Qatar [edit]

  • Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha

Romania [edit]

  • National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest

Russia [edit]

  • Hermitage Museum, Leningrad
  • Pushkin Museum, Moscow
  • Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Serbia [edit]

  • Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade

Kingdom of spain [edit]

  • Museu d'Fine art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona
  • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
  • Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid
  • Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valencia
  • Atlantic Center of Mod Art, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Museu Picasso, Barcelona.
  • Museo Picasso Málaga, Málaga.

Sweden [edit]

  • Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Taiwan [edit]

  • Asia Museum of Modern Art, Taichung

Great britain [edit]

  • Estorick Collection of Mod Italian Art, London
  • Saatchi Gallery, London
  • Tate Britain, London
  • Tate Liverpool
  • Tate Mod, London
  • Tate St Ives

Ukraine [edit]

  • National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum of Lviv, Lviv

Usa [edit]

  • Albright-Knox Fine art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
  • Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
  • Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire Country Plaza Art Drove, Albany, New York
  • Guggenheim Museum, New York Metropolis, New York, and Venice, Italy ; more recently in Berlin, Germany, Bilbao, Espana, and Las Vegas, Nevada
  • High Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California
  • McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas
  • Menil Collection, Houston, Texas
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Museum of Modern Art, New York City, New York
  • San Francisco Museum of Mod Art, San Francisco, California
  • The Baker Museum, Naples, Florida
  • Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, New York

See also [edit]

  • 20th century art
  • 20th-century Western painting
  • Art manifesto
  • Art movements
  • Fine art periods
  • Conceptual art
  • Contemporary art
  • Gesamtkunstwerk
  • History of painting
  • List of 20th-century women artists
  • List of modern artists
  • Modern architecture
  • Modernism
  • Postmodern art
  • Western painting

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ "One fashion of understanding the relation of the terms 'mod,' 'modernity,' and 'modernism' is that aesthetic modernism is a form of art characteristic of high or actualized late modernity, that is, of that period in which social, economic, and cultural life in the widest sense [was] revolutionized past modernity ... [this means] that modernist art is scarcely thinkable outside the context of the modernized society of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Social modernity is the home of modernist art, even where that fine art rebels confronting it." — Lawrence East. Cahoone[6]
  2. ^ "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries momentum began to assemble behind a new view of the earth, which would eventually create a new earth, the modern world." — Lawrence E. Cahoone[8]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Atkins 1997, pp. 118–119.
  2. ^ Gombrich 1995, p. 557.
  3. ^ Clement 1996, p. 114.
  4. ^ Scobie 1988, pp. 103–107.
  5. ^ John-Steiner 2006, p. 69.
  6. ^ Cahoone 1996, p. xiii.
  7. ^ a b c d Arnason & Prather 1998, p. 17.
  8. ^ Cahoone 1996, p. 27.
  9. ^ Greenberg 1982, p. v.
  10. ^ Gombrich 1995, p. 477.
  11. ^ Arnason & Prather 1998, p. 22.
  12. ^ Corinth et al. 1996, p. 25.
  13. ^ Cogniat 1975, p. 61.
  14. ^ Cogniat 1975, pp. 43–49.
  15. ^ Saunders 2013.
  16. ^ Mullins 2006, p. fourteen.
  17. ^ Mullins 2006, p. 9.
  18. ^ Mullins 2006, pp. 14–15.
  19. ^ Jencks 1987, p.[ page needed ].
  20. ^ Lander 2006.
  21. ^ Times of India Travel 2015.

Sources [edit]

  • Arnason, H. Harvard; Prather, Marla (1998). History of modern art : painting, sculpture, architecture, photography (4th ed.). New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN978-0-8109-3439-nine. OCLC 1035593323 – via Internet Archive.
  • Atkins, Robert (1997). Artspeak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords (2nd ed.). New York: Abbeville Press Publishers. ISBN978-0-7892-0415-8. OCLC 605278894 – via Internet Archive.
  • Cahoone, Lawrence (1996). From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology . Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN978-i-55786-602-8. OCLC 1149327777 – via Internet Archive.
  • "CIMA Art Gallery". Times of India Travel. 2015-06-30. Retrieved 2021-06-12 .
  • Clement, Russell (1996). 4 French Symbolists: A Sourcebook on Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, and Maurice Denis. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. ISBN978-0-313-29752-vi. OCLC 34191505.
  • Cogniat, Raymond (1975). Pissarro. New York: Crown Publishers. ISBN978-0-517-52477-0. OCLC 2082821.
  • Corinth, Lovis; Schuster, Peter-Klaus; Vitali, Christoph; Butts, Barbara; Brauner, Lothar; Bärnreuther, Andrea (1996). Lovis Corinth. Munich; New York: Prestel. ISBN978-3-7913-1682-half-dozen. OCLC 35280519.
  • Greenberg, Clement (1982). "Modernist Painting". In Frascina, Francis; Harrison, Charles; Paul, Deirdre (eds.). Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical Anthology . In association with the Open University. London: Harper & Row. ISBN978-0-06-318234-ix. OCLC 297414909 – via Internet Archive.
  • Gombrich, Ernst H. (1995). The Story of Art . London: Phaidon Printing Limited. ISBN978-0-7148-3355-2. OCLC 1151352542 – via Internet Archive.
  • Jencks, Charles (1987). Postal service-Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture . New York: Rizzoli. ISBN978-0-8478-0835-9. OCLC 1150952960 – via Inernet Archive.
  • John-Steiner, Vera (2006). "Patterns of Collaboration amongst Artists". Creative Collaboration. Oxford University Press. pp. 63–96. doi:x.1093/acprof:oso/9780195307702.003.0004. ISBN978-0-xix-530770-2. OCLC 5105130725, 252638637.
  • Lander, David (November–December 2006). "Fifties Furniture THE SIDE TABLE AS SCULPTURE". Shopping. American Heritage. American Association for State and Local History. 57 (6). ISSN 2161-8496. OCLC 60622066. Archived from the original on 2007-10-20.
  • Mullins, Charlotte (2006). Painting people : effigy painting today. New York: D.A.P./Distributed Art Pubs. ISBN978-i-933045-38-2. OCLC 71679906.
  • Saunders, Frances Stonor (2013-06-14) [1995-x-22]. "Modernistic fine art was CIA 'weapon'". The Independent . Retrieved 2021-04-17 .
  • Scobie, Stephen (1988). "The Allure of Multiplicity: Metaphor and Metonymy in Cubism and Gertrude Stein". In Neuman, S. C.; Nadel, Ira Bruce (eds.). Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:x.1007/978-i-349-08541-5_7. ISBN978-1-349-08543-9. OCLC 7323640453 – via Internet Annal.

Further reading [edit]

  • Adams, Hugh (1979). Modernistic Painting . New York: Mayflower Books. ISBN978-0-8317-6062-5. OCLC 691113035 – via Net Archive.
  • Childs, Peter (2000). Modernism . London New York: Routledge. ISBN978-0-203-13116-9. OCLC 48138104 – via Internet Archive.
  • Hunker, Christopher (1999). Modernism in Art, Blueprint and Architecture . New York: St. Martin'southward Press. ISBN978-0-312-21830-0. OCLC 1036752206 – via Net Archive.
  • Dempsey, Amy (2002). Art in the Modern Era: A Guide to Schools and Movements. New York: Harry N. Abrams. ISBN978-0-8109-4172-4. OCLC 47623954.
  • Everdell, William (1997). The Offset Moderns: Profiles in the Origins of Twentieth-Century Thought . Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN978-0-226-22484-8. OCLC 45733213 – via Internet Archive.
    See likewise: The Starting time Moderns.
  • Frazier, Nancy (2000). The Penguin Concise Dictionary of Fine art History. New York: Penguin Reference. ISBN978-0-14-051420-nine. OCLC 70498418.
  • Hunter, Sam; Jacobus, John Thousand; Wheeler, Daniel (2005). Modern Art: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN978-0-xiii-150519-3. OCLC 1114759321.
  • Kolocotroni, Vassiliki; Goldman, Jane; Taxidou, Olga, eds. (1998). Modernism: An Anthology of Sources and Documents . Edinburgh; Chicago: Edinburgh University Press; The University of Chicago Press. ISBN978-0-585-19313-7. OCLC 1150833644, 44964346 – via Cyberspace Archive.
  • Ozenfant, Amédée; Rodker, John (1952). Foundations of Modern Art . New York: Dover. ISBN9780486202150. OCLC 1200478998. Retrieved 2021-04-19 – via Cyberspace Archive.
  • Read, Herbert Edward; Read, Benedict; Tisdall, Caroline; Feaver, William (1975). A Concise History of Modernistic Painting . New York: Praeger Publishers. ISBN978-0-275-71730-eight. OCLC 741987800, 894774214, 563965849 – via Net Archive.

External links [edit]

  • Tate Modern
  • The Museum of Modern Art
  • Modern artists and art
  • A TIME Archives Drove of Modern Art'southward perception
  • National Gallery of Modern Art – Govt. of Bharat


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